31 Oct - Como apartment
Map of Lake Como - 1 Nov
Como to Varenna
1 Nov 2022
Como to Varenna    1 Nov 2022

Today we took the ferry to Varenna, about halfway up lake Como. See next post for map. We ate a tasty lunch in an outdoor cafe, walked around the beautiful but tourist-packed town, then returned by fast ferry. Speaking of fellow tourists, France seems settled into off season whereas Italy, or Como at least, is still in high.

Lake Como is long (46 km), thin (4.5 km max), and deep (435 m). It is surrounded by mountains and lined with villas and beautiful towns draped onto the hillsides. There are no bridges over, no fast highways around, and I think only two train stations, in Como and Varenna.

Most ferries are slow and make frequent stops but a few are faster, either catamarans or boats with curious fins sticking out on either side of their fronts.

The ferry schedules (there are four, one is below) are confusing at first glance. There are 35 or probably more ferry stops which makes for a complex document. Fortunately the ticket office people are happy to explain which ferry to take to get to your chosen destination.

To purchase tickets go to Navigazione Laghi ferry company and for downloadable ferry schedules go to Como lake today. Or stop by the ticket office.

Como to Colico schedule  

The schedule for the ferry leaving the town of Como (at the southern tip of the lake) and ending at Colico (at the northern end). There are similar schedules for the ferry heading south as well as ferries that limit their routes to mid-lake cities such as Varenna and Bellagio.

Como to Colico schedule  

The schedule for the ferry leaving the town of Como (at the southern tip of the lake) and ending at Colico (at the northern end). There are similar schedules for the ferry heading south as well as ferries that limit their routes to mid-lake cities such as Varenna and Bellagio.

Como to Colico schedule  

The schedule for the ferry leaving the town of Como (at the southern tip of the lake) and ending at Colico (at the northern end). There are similar schedules for the ferry heading south as well as ferries that limit their routes to mid-lake cities such as Varenna and Bellagio.

Como waterfront construction  
A section of the Como water front is under construction. I imagine it's either storm damage or renovation.
Como waterfront construction  
A section of the Como water front is under construction. I imagine it's either storm damage or renovation.
Como waterfront construction  
A section of the Como water front is under construction. I imagine it's either storm damage or renovation.
Not a fan of the large chrome sculpture  
Not a fan of the large chrome sculpture  
Not a fan of the large chrome sculpture  
Lake Como ferry  
Lake Como ferry  
Lake Como ferry  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
Lake Como  
View from the ferry  
View from the ferry  
View from the ferry  
31 Oct - Como apartment
Map of Lake Como - 1 Nov