11 Oct - Arrival in Naxos
Tight Squeeze - 13 Oct
Naxos' Old Town
12 Oct 2016
Naxos' Old Town    12 Oct 2016
  Naxos, Greece   

Morning arrived with the sound of rain but it wasn't rain, it was popping from the electrical transformer next to the hotel, the comfortable and reasonably-priced Anassa suites. Later the hotel's proprietor assured us it was normal, something about the evening humidity.

After a cappuccino Paul and I walked to the old town, old being relative as everything is old. Our goal was a cafe known for views but we could not find it. We visited the archaeological museum instead, a small collection of art and every-day objects dating from 5300 BC to the 5th century AD. Quick, cheap (€2), and uninspired, lacking much textual information.

Next we walked to St George beach, south of town, to watch windsurfers riding the crystal-clear water. The water is transparent like glass.

Some advice should you visit is don't drink ouzo on an empty stomach.

View from our balcony, Naxos  
View from our balcony, Naxos  
View from our balcony, Naxos  
Greek Orthodox church  
Greek Orthodox church  
Greek Orthodox church  
Archaeological museum  
Archaeological museum  
Archaeological museum  
Windsurfers, St George beach  
Windsurfers, St George beach  
Windsurfers, St George beach  
St George beach  
St George beach  
St George beach  
11 Oct - Arrival in Naxos
Tight Squeeze - 13 Oct