28 Mar - A day of silence
The gods must be satisfied - 30 Mar
The Agung Rai museum
29 Mar 2017
The Agung Rai museum    29 Mar 2017
  Art, Ubud   
When, on the morning after the day of silence and fireless hearths, Pugig lighted the fire again in the kitchen, it seemed to burn with a new warmth. Voices rose brightly; people set about work with animation. A fresh start had been made once more. Colin McPhee in A House in Bali.

I like almost everything in the Agung Rai Museum of Art, which is about a half hour walk from my house. Their fine collection is housed in beautiful spaces (though the experience would benefit from a/c or even just a bit of ventilation). Their extensive grounds feature a botanical garden, performance space, a hotel, a restaurant (where I ate lunch), even a rice paddy.

The museum focuses on art by Balinese artists and foreigners living in Bali. One building has abstracts, the second realism with Hieronymus Bosch like high-detail pieces depicting life in Bali: the cultivation of rice, cremation rituals, cock fighting, and gods and goddesses.

I especially like the large eye-catching Made Kedol painting "Golden rice" with its vivid bands of rice grass that pop out of the canvas. Stunning. I so wanted to take a picture of it and finally I succumbed: as I walked past its room and saw it framed in the doorway I couldn't resist the urge to grab a surreptitious shot even though the signs expressly forbid it.

Made Kedol's “Golden Rice”  
Made Kedol's “Golden Rice”  
Made Kedol's “Golden Rice”  
Page 10 of museum guide  
My guilt for taking the photo was soon assuaged. The museum's own guide book features a full-page photo of people photographing the picture. Funny.
Page 10 of museum guide  
My guilt for taking the photo was soon assuaged. The museum's own guide book features a full-page photo of people photographing the picture. Funny.
Page 10 of museum guide  
My guilt for taking the photo was soon assuaged. The museum's own guide book features a full-page photo of people photographing the picture. Funny.
28 Mar - A day of silence
The gods must be satisfied - 30 Mar